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via22Student movements, #globalNOISE, Occupy, the Indignados, Take the Square, Democracia Real Ya, Idle No More, Social Forums, Take the Square, Democracia Real Ya, Social Forums, #Yosoy132, Y'en a marre, social movements and long time human rights activists and environmentalists, First Nations, rural and urban populations, organisations of civil society around the world: let us share our knowledge and resources! Let us connect and unite local and global action. May our indignation be our greatest source of creativity…

Next global Assembly VIA22

VIA22 – a new international, open and horizontal, collective inspired by the global grassroots movements and born during Quebec's Maple Spring – is continuing it's monthly processes of local and global actions of convergence every 22nd of each month.

That's why we are inviting you to join our next international Assembly that will take place on January 22nd at 16h/4pm GMT, in the voice chat program Mumble.

How to connect to mumble: full step by step instructions here: http://occupytalk.org/article/how-connect-our-server

This video will help you to set the software AFTER you have download it and installed it in your computer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=SF90Qdm7mH8

To convert this call to your local time please use this website; http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Here is the collective pad for the meeting. Please feel free to add your points/ideas (specially if you can't come to the meeting :): http://piratepad.net/VIA22J Translations, as always, are more than welcomed!

January 22nd 2013 #22J ? Jump in!

* Express yourself on our site, www.via22.org, through the section "Your Voice" (http://via22global.wix.com/via22#!__francais/ta-voix).

* Send us pictures, videos, ideas or all other creative materials about how you see the link between local and global. We will use them to create a portrait of VIA22 January. The smalest sign from you will mean a lot to the collective process!

*Twitt #VIA22 #22J

VIA22 in your area? If you wish to create a VIA22 collective in your area or network with people around you, please use the Forum, or contact us!

What are the main objectives of VIA22's monthly process?

-To insist on the necessity of communication and coordination between the local and global.

-To put in question globally the destructive order of things imposed by the hegemony of global political-economic system and its impact on education, health, access to water, security, freedom of expression and association, etc..

-To examine and promote concretes alternatives to a system that deepens inequalities at every level.

-To connect and unite social movements and civil society for the development of global consciousness that respects human dignity and our planet's ecosystem.

-To insist on the necessity that our popular demonstrations become spaces to share knowledge and to build concrete alternatives.

-To relay initiatives taken by the Indignados, Occupy, #Yosoy132, the Y'en a marre collective, Social Forums all around the world and all other initiatives that affirm the necessity of the multiplication of horizontal, open and inclusive spaces.



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You can also communicate with:

VIA22 Mexico : Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., @VIA22Mexico

VIA22 Spain: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., @VIA22Espana

VIA22 Edmonton (Canada): Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

VIA22 "outreach overview" team: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

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[tratto da http://interoccupy.net]